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- April 7, 1989
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Data Compression Algorithms of LARC and LHarc
- Haruhiko Okumura*
- * The author is the Sysop of the Science SIG of PV-VAN. His
- address is: 12-2-404 Green Heights, 580 Nagasawa, Yokosuka
- 239, Japan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Introduction
- In the spring of 1988, I wrote a very simple data compression program
- named LZSS in C language, and uploaded it to the Science SIG (forum)
- of PC-VAN, Japan's biggest personal computer network.
- That program was based on Storer and Szymanski's slightly modified
- version of one of Lempel and Ziv's algorithms. Despite its simplic-
- ity, for most files its compression outperformed the archivers then
- widely used.
- Kazuhiko Miki rewrote my LZSS in Turbo Pascal and assembly language,
- and soon made it evolve into a complete archiver, which he named
- The first versions of LZSS and LARC were rather slow. So I rewrote
- my LZSS using a binary tree, and so did Miki. Although LARC's
- encoding was slower than the fastest archiver available, its decoding
- was quite fast, and its algorithm was so simple that even self-
- extracting files (compressed files plus decoder) it created were
- usually smaller than non-self-extracting files from other archivers.
- Soon many hobby programmers joined the archiver project at the forum.
- Very many suggestions were made, and LARC was revised again and
- again. By the summer of 1988, LARC's speed and compression have
- improved so much that LARC-compressed programs were beginning to be
- uploaded in many forums of PC-VAN and other networks.
- In that summer I wrote another program, LZARI, which combined the
- LZSS algorithm with adaptive arithmetic compression. Although it was
- slower than LZSS, its compression performance was amazing.
- Miki, the author of LARC, uploaded LZARI to NIFTY-Serve, another big
- information network in Japan. In NIFTY-Serve, Haruyasu Yoshizaki
- replaced LZARI's adaptive arithmetic coding with a version of
- adaptive Huffman coding to increase speed. Based on this algorithm,
- which he called LZHUF, he developed yet another archiver, LHarc.
- In what follows, I will review several of these algorithms and supply
- simplified codes in C language.
- 2. Simple coding methods
- Replacing several (usually 8 or 4) "space" characters by one "tab"
- character is a very primitive method for data compression. Another
- simple method is run-length coding, which encodes the message
- "AAABBBBAACCCC" into "3A4B2A4C", for example.
- 3. LZSS coding
- This scheme is initiated by Ziv and Lempel [1]. A slightly modified
- version is described by Storer and Szymanski [2]. An implementation
- using a binary tree is proposed by Bell [3]. The algorithm is quite
- simple: Keep a ring buffer, which initially contains "space"
- characters only. Read several letters from the file to the buffer.
- Then search the buffer for the longest string that matches the
- letters just read, and send its length and position in the buffer.
- If the buffer size is 4096 bytes, the position can be encoded in 12
- bits. If we represent the match length in four bits, the <position,
- length> pair is two bytes long. If the longest match is no more than
- two characters, then we send just one character without encoding, and
- restart the process with the next letter. We must send one extra bit
- each time to tell the decoder whether we are sending a <position,
- length> pair or an unencoded character.
- The accompanying file LZSS.C is a version of this algorithm. This
- implementation uses multiple binary trees to speed up the search for
- the longest match. All the programs in this article are written in
- draft-proposed ANSI C. I tested them with Turbo C 2.0.
- 4. LZW coding
- This scheme was devised by Ziv and Lempel [4], and modified by Welch
- [5].
- The LZW coding has been adopted by most of the existing archivers,
- such as ARC and PKZIP. The algorithm can be made relatively fast,
- and is suitable for hardware implementation as well.
- The algorithm can be outlined as follows: Prepare a table that can
- contain several thousand items. Initially register in its 0th
- through 255th positions the usual 256 characters. Read several
- letters from the file to be encoded, and search the table for the
- longest match. Suppose the longest match is given by the string
- "ABC". Send the position of "ABC" in the table. Read the next
- character from the file. If it is "D", then register a new string
- "ABCD" in the table, and restart the process with the letter "D". If
- the table becomes full, discard the oldest item or, preferably, the
- least used. A Pascal program for this algorithm is given in Storer's
- book [6].
- 5. Huffman coding
- Classical Huffman coding is invented by Huffman [7]. A fairly
- readable accound is given in Sedgewick [8]. Suppose the text to be
- encoded is "ABABACA", with four A's, two B's, and a C. We represent
- this situation as follows:
- 4 2 1
- | | |
- A B C
- Combine the least frequent two characters into one, resulting in the
- new frequency 2 + 1 = 3:
- 4 3
- | / \
- A B C
- Repeat the above step until the whole characters combine into a tree:
- 7
- / \
- / 3
- / / \
- A B C
- Start at the top ("root") of this encoding tree, and travel to the
- character you want to encode. If you go left, send a "0"; otherwise
- send a "1". Thus, "A" is encoded by "0", "B" by "10", "C" by "11".
- Algotether, "ABABACA" will be encoded into ten bits, "0100100110".
- To decode this code, the decoder must know the encoding tree, which
- must be sent separately.
- A modification to this classical Huffman coding is the adaptive, or
- dynamic, Huffman coding. See, e.g., Gallager [9]. In this method,
- the encoder and the decoder processes the first letter of the text as
- if the frequency of each character in the file were one, say. After
- the first letter has been processed, both parties increment the
- frequency of that character by one. For example, if the first letter
- is 'C', then freq['C'] becomes two, whereas every other frequencies
- are still one. Then the both parties modify the encoding tree
- accordingly. Then the second letter will be encoded and decoded, and
- so on.
- 6. Arithmetic coding
- The original concept of arithmetic coding is proposed by P. Elias.
- An implementation in C language is described by Witten and others
- [10].
- Although the Huffman coding is optimal if each character must be
- encoded into a fixed (integer) number of bits, arithmetic coding wins
- if no such restriction is made. As an example we shall encode "AABA"
- using arithmetic coding. For simplicity suppose we know beforehand
- that the probabilities for "A" and "B" to appear in the text are 3/4
- and 1/4, respectively.
- Initially, consider an interval:
- 0 <= x < 1
- Since the first character is "A" whose probability is 3/4, we shrink
- the interval to the lower 3/4:
- 0 <= x < 3/4
- The next character is "A" again, so we take the lower 3/4:
- 0 <= x < 9/16
- Next comes "B" whose probability is 1/4, so we take the upper 1/4:
- 27/64 <= x < 9/16
- because "B" is the second element in our alphabet, {A, B}. The last
- character is "A" and the interval is:
- 27/64 <= x < 135/256
- which can be written in binary notation:
- 0.011011 <= x < 0.10000111
- Choose from this interval any number that can be represented in
- fewest bits, say 0.1, and send the bits to the right of "0."; in this
- case we send only one bit, "1". Thus we have encoded four letters
- into one bit! With the Huffman coding, four letters could not be
- encoded into less than four bits.
- To decode the code "1", we just reverse the process: First, we supply
- the "0." to the right of the received code "1", resulting in "0.1" in
- binary notation, or 1/2. Since this number is in the first 3/4 of
- the initial interval 0 <= x < 1, the first character must be "A".
- Shrink the interval into the lower 3/4. In this new interval, the
- number 1/2 lies in the lower 3/4 part, so the second character is
- again "A", and so on. The number of letters in the original file
- must be sent separately (or a special 'EOF' character must be ap-
- pended at the end of the file).
- The algorithm described above requires that both the sender and
- receiver know the probability distribution for the characters. The
- adaptive version of the algorithm removes this restriction by first
- supposing uniform or any agreed-upon distribution of characters that
- approximates the true distribution, and then updating the
- distribution after each character is sent and received.
- 7. LZARI
- In each step the LZSS algorithm sends either a character or a
- <position, length> pair. Among these, perhaps character "e" appears
- more frequently than "x", and a <position, length> pair of length 3
- might be commoner than one of length 18, say. Thus, if we encode the
- more frequent in fewer bits and the less frequent in more bits, the
- total length of the encoded text will be diminished. This
- consideration suggests that we use Huffman or arithmetic coding,
- preferably of adaptive kind, along with LZSS.
- This is easier said than done, because there are many possible
- <position, length> combinations. Adaptive compression must keep
- running statistics of frequency distribution. Too many items make
- statistics unreliable.
- What follows is not even an approximate solution to the problem posed
- above, but anyway this was what I did in the summer of 1988.
- I extended the character set from 256 to three-hundred or so in size,
- and let characters 0 through 255 be the usual 8-bit characters,
- whereas characters 253 + n represent that what follows is a position
- of string of length n, where n = 3, 4 .... These extended set of
- characters will be encoded with adaptive arithmetic compression.
- I also observed that longest-match strings tend to be the ones that
- were read relatively recently. Therefore, recent positions should be
- encoded into fewer bits. Since 4096 positions are too many to encode
- adaptively, I fixed the probability distribution of the positions "by
- hand." The distribution function given in the accompanying LZARI.C
- is rather tentative; it is not based on thorough experimentation. In
- retrospect, I could encode adaptively the most significant 6 bits,
- say, or perhaps by some more ingenious method adapt the parameters of
- the distribution function to the running statistics.
- At any rate, the present version of LZARI treats the positions rather
- separately, so that the overall compression is by no means optimal.
- Furthermore, the string length threshold above which strings are
- coded into <position, length> pairs is fixed, but logically its value
- must change according to the length of the <position, length> pair we
- would get.
- 8. LZHUF
- LZHUF, the algorithm of Haruyasu Yoshizaki's archiver LHarc, replaces
- LZARI's adaptive arithmetic coding with adaptive Huffman. LZHUF
- encodes the most significant 6 bits of the position in its 4096-byte
- buffer by table lookup. More recent, and hence more probable,
- positions are coded in less bits. On the other hand, the remaining 6
- bits are sent verbatim. Because Huffman coding encodes each letter
- into a fixed number of bits, table lookup can be easily implemented.
- Though theoretically Huffman cannot exceed arithmetic compression,
- the difference is very slight, and LZHUF is fairly fast.
- The LZHUF.C file was written by Yoshizaki. I translated the comments
- into English and made a few trivial changes to make it conform to the
- ANSI C standard.
- References
- [1] J. Ziv and A. Lempel, IEEE Trans. IT-23, 337-343 (1977).
- [2] J. A. Storer and T. G. Szymanski, J. ACM, 29, 928-951
- (1982).
- [3] T. C. Bell, IEEE Trans. COM-34, 1176-1182 (1986).
- [4] J. Ziv and A. Lempel, IEEE Trans. IT-24, 530-536 (1978).
- [5] T. A. Welch, Computer, 17, No.6, 8-19 (1984).
- [6] J. A. Storer, Data Compression: Methods and Theory
- (Computer Science Press, 1988).
- [7] D. A. Huffman, Proc IRE 40, 1098-1101 (1952).
- [8] R. Sedgewick, Algorithms, 2nd ed. (Addison-Wesley, 1988).
- [9] R. G. Gallager, IEEE Trans. IT-24, 668-674 (1978).
- [10] I. E. Witten, R. M. Neal, and J. G. Cleary, Commun. ACM
- 30, 520-540 (1987).
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